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2021年科学美国人Scientific American杂志征订

科学美国人Scientific American  2020年11月刊目录

6 From the Editor
8 Letters
12 Science Agenda
Who will we be after the pandemic?
By the Editors
13 Forum
The new U.S. Arctic coordinator has little experience
with climate change, which is the biggest issue facing
the region. By Victoria Herrmann
14 Advances
Cancer cells in a tiny maze. Hurricane-surfing parasites.
A nationwide look at housing’s carbon footprint.
Building with metal-breathing microbes.
24 Meter
Now let us praise the noble gases.
By Douglas O. Linder
25 The Science of Health
Yoga may boost neural regions, brain scans hint.
By Claudia Wallis
76 Recommended
The practice of mapping geologic layers. A podcast ex plor-
ing extraterrestrial intelligence. Oliver Sacks and the art
of telling patients’ stories. By Andrea Gawrylewski
77 Observatory
With lives at stake, medical guidance on wearing masks
should not be confusing.
By Naomi Oreskes
78 Anti Gravity
Einstein wrote for this publication, as did some
non-Einsteins. By Steve Mirsky
79 50, 100 & 150 Years Ago
By Dan Schlenoff
80 Graphic Science
Influenza seems to have skipped its southern season.
By Katie Peek

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